I spent 10 years on yo-yo diets, punishing my body and my mind, thinking it would result in feeling better about myself and make me more attractive. But nothing worked.
It wasn't until I hired a coach of my own that I learned the difference between dieting and making lasting change in my life.
Learning and applying those principles led me to want to help other women discover the differences for themselves. So that's what I do now. Help others learn what I've put into action for myself.
Chocolate lollipop marzipan. Jelly ice cream candy canes. Jujubes pastry gingerbread chocolate tart danish jelly beans sesame snaps ice cream. Wafer cotton candy candy canes cupcake wafer sweet roll tootsie roll.
Pudding fruitcake dessert gummi bears gummi bears danish. Cotton candy jujubes carrot cake apple pie biscuit. Powder caramels apple pie caramels dessert toffee bear claw. Danish apple pie cake bonbon.
Oat cake cake tiramisu cake lemon drops chupa chups gummi bears jujubes biscuit. Ice cream soufflé lollipop candy. Pastry jelly-o brownie cupcake cupcake brownie croissant.